ComMarker B4 MOPA Fiber Laser Marking machine JPT mopa 60w 100w fiber laser engraving machine for metal coloring marking SS

Sale price $5,488.00 Regular price $6,874.99

Product Highlights

1.Compact & Portable With exact same industrial function, we managed to make the product as Compact as possible.

Not only you can save some shipping cost, but also it is more continent

2.High Speed & Accuracy The benefit of industrial configuration for the machine is that it works with extremely high accuracy and Speed

3.Easy to use The software is very user-friendly, which allows to edit text, import any picture or vector files

4.B3 has a very fast positioning function, which can automatically mark in batches, while using red light positioning to make the engraving more accurate

5.Automatically generate QR code/bar-code

6.Auto lifting & Handheld  
Say goodbye to manually adjusting the focal length, the automatic lifting function is more convenient to use, and with the double red light preview, adjusting the focal length is no longer troublesome.

The handheld engraving function is not limited to the engraving space, you can engrave wherever you want.